Cerita Legenda Rawa Pening (Inggris)

The Legend of Rawa Pening
"The Legend of Rawa Pening".  In ancient times in life Ngasem village girl named Endang Sawitri. Villagers nobody knows if Endang Sawitri had a husband, but she was pregnant. Shortly thereafter she gave birth and very startling residents as born not an infant, but a dragon. Strangely enough the dragon can talk beings like human. Dragon was named Baru Klinting.

When teenage Baru Klinting asked his mother. Mom, "Is this my father also had ?, who the real father". Mother replied, "Your father is a king who is currently imprisoned in a mountainside cave Telomaya. You have time to find and meet your father. I allow you to get there and take this as evidence of the klintingan your father. With Happily Baru Klinting went to the hermitage of Ki Hajar Salokantara father’s.

Baca Juga : Cerita Legenda Rawa Pening (bahasa indonesia)

    Until at the Hermitage Baru Klinting Entrance to the cave with respect, in front of Ki Hajar and asked, "Is this true Ki Hajar Salokantara hermitage?" Then Ki Hajar replied, "Yeah, right", I Ki Hajar Salokantara. With prayer before Ki Hajar, Baru Klinting say mean Ki Hajar was my parents who have long been looking for me, I'm a child of Endang Sawitri from Ngasem village and this is supposedly the mother Klintingan Ki Hajar heritage. Yes, with evidence that Klintingan Ki Hajar said. But I need one more proof that you are indeed my son encircling mountain Telomoyo you try this, if you can, you are really my son. It turns out Baru Klinting be circled and Ki Hajar admits that he was her son. Ki Hajar New Klinting then ordered to be imprisoned in a mountainside forest.

    One day the villagers want to throw a party Pathok alms earth after the harvest is over. They will hold a wide variety of dance performances. To enliven the party rollicking folk looking animals, but did not get an animal. Finally they found a huge dragon that fasted immediately cut into pieces, the meat was brought home to the party. In the event that the party came a incarnation Baru Klinting child participate in the crowd and want to enjoy a meal. With indifference and cynical they expel the child from the party by force because they are disgusting and shameful beggars. With hurt the boy left the party. He met an elderly widow grandmother kind. Invited to stop by her house. The old widow treating children like honored guests and prepared dishes. At home old widow, told the child, Grandma, "If the sound of thunder grandmother must prepare the mortar, to be save!". Boy's grandmother's advice.

     A moment later the boy returned to the party to try to come and ask for the dish in a party held by the villagers. But people still do not accept the child, even kicked away from a party to it. With a child's heart that anger hold a contest. He plugged the stick into the ground, these villagers who can pull it out. None of the villagers were able to pull out the stick. Finally, the children themselves who drew it, apparently had appeared mesh embedded swift springs continues to expand and inundate the village, all the inhabitants drowned, except Widows Old incoming mortar and can be saved, all the villages into the swamp.

Because the water is very clear, then it is called "Swamp Dizziness" is located in Semarang district, Central Java.

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